Social Media
Graduate Strong instagram @graduate_strong
Graduate Strong twitter @graduate_strong
ACES Connection –an online community of practice; many articles and blog posts about trauma and trauma-informed practices within communities
ACES Connection: Trauma-Informed Educators Network podcast series
Wisconsin Dept. of Education- self-paced online learning modules for Trauma-Sensitive Schools framework
Washington State OSPI Social Emotional Learning (SEL) – self paced online learning modules for Social Emotional Learning
US Department of Education- self-paced online learning modules for Trauma-Sensitive Schools package
Culturally Responsive Leadership – Joe Truss
Graduate Strong News You Can Use
ACES Primer (5 minutes)
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris TedTalk (16 minutes)
InBrief: Resilience Series (3 videos, 3 minutes each)
Toxic Stress Derails Healthy Development (2 minutes)
How Children and Adults Can Build Core Capabilities for Life (6 minutes)
How Brains are Built: The Core Story of Brain Development (4 minutes)
Kitsap Strong/Gordon Elementary (4 minutes)
Trauma Sensitive Schools Collaborative Learning Academy (9 minutes)